Once on the Tripyramid Loop Trail we began to climb more steeply before coming to the rocky area at the foot of the slide. Soon after we were negotiating rock scrambles and straight up rock slab climbing. Conditions were mostly dry and we took our time and had no problems. Once on the more gravelly section things slowed under the loose footing. Brian slipped and gouged his knee pretty good. No bones broken he was happy to go home with a bloody leg to show he did something! Soon after we decided to take a break about 1/2 way up the slide. Views were great to Tecumseh and the Osceola's but all else was fogged in. We were very happy with the perfect temps. and no precipitation though.
Onward we finally made our way to the head of the slide. One last look as the fog overtook the rest of the peaks and we climbed back into the trees. The trail quickly begins to climb steeply again before we made it to the Rock on North Peak summit at 12:15pm. We dropped our packs and began to determine which tree would be best to hold the flag configuration. We found a perfect tree to climb 10 ft. from the actual summit and began assembly. 2 hikers showed up who were glad to see that this peak was covered...they had done this a couple years they said. Approximately 30ft. of PVC piping and plently of duct tape put together and the flag attatched Jeremy climbed the tree while Brian and I hoisted the pole. Tracey was on camera duty. Once in place we attatched it to the tree with tape and rope. After seeing that the pole was too flexible Jeremy and I climbed the tree again to rope off the pole to surrounding trees. This was successful. The FOT 48 History plaque in place under the tree and the number of 9/11 deaths read aloud we decided to check out middle peak as I remember this peak to have the best views.
Another steep hike down to the col then back up to Middle Peak. Pretty exhausted we arrived with unfortunatley no view of our Flag on North Peak due to the fog. Oh, well. We set up lunch on the West facing ledge. There was a flag on this peak which surprised me. I checked it out and recognized the face. I questioned his name to which he replied his first and last name, I must have had a blank look because he then said Cumulus. OH, I said, RocksOnTop. He was with another whom I forgot his name (sorry). After our "nice to meet you's" I joined my group for a smorgus board of lunch and COFFEE!
Once nourished we headed back at 1:45pm. Once back at North Peak we dissasembled the flag pole, packed up and headed down Scaur Ridge trail leaving about 2:30pm. We arrived back at the parking lot without incedent at 5:30pm. This was a fun and meaningful trip and an awesome hike. The lack of views was dissapointing but better than rain! We were all pretty sore and tired and ready for a good meal, shower and bed! My pole configuration was a success which made me happy and it was great to have a group to help out and provide plenty of laughs for the day. Great day, can't wait for next years!
Picks of this trip here> http://www.flickr.com/photos/excape1/sets/72157622369415458/
Just love looking back !!!! So many wonderful events !! Love the mountains.